Hanging Reverse
: Develop lower abs muscle
version of reverse crunches, do it hanging by your hands from a bar or
resting on your forearms on a hanging leg raise bench instead of lying
on a bench.
1) Stabilize
your body, get into the hanging position and bring your knees up to the
level of your abdomen.
2) From the
starting position, raise your knees up as far as possible toward your
head, rounding your back and rolling yourself upward into a ball. At the
top of the movement, hold and crunch the abs muscles and feel the full
contraction, lower your knees to the starting position with the knees
pulled up. Don't lower your legs beyond the starting point.
bodybuilders can't do a proper Hanging Reverse Crunches. An easier
variation is to lie head upward on a slant board. This gives you more
resistance than Reverse Crunches on a flat bench, but you can dial in
the amount of resistance you want by the angle at which you set the
slant board.
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