Start with each
triceps muscle exercise with a warm-up, then add weight until you hit
the weight that you use for your working sets. Typically this is a
poundage that limits you to roughly 12 reps. We do 3-4 working sets with
this weight.
Rest for no more than
60 seconds between sets. Try to hit the same number of reps on each set
as you did on your first working set - typically 10-12.
Do three triceps
muscle exercise per workout. Sometimes add a fourth - but not often.
Short and sweet, that's all you need.
We are not a big fan
of partial reps. We usually do them at the end of a set when we can no
longer complete a full range rep. Started doing these because we didn't
have a partner to help us with forced reps, but now we believe partial
reps are better - after all, you don't get a stronger triceps muscle by
having someone else hit the weight for you.
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